Stay in Touch!

Thank you for taking the time to visit our church website. We would love to stay in touch with you. In order for us to do that, please take a few moments to complete this form for each adult in your household.

P.S. We promise not to share your contact information with anyone else.

Volunteer Sign-Up

If you are already a part of our volunteer force at The Sanctuary, or want to become a volunteer, we’d love to know where you want to serve.

Please CLICK HERE and fill out the form so we can properly utilize your skills and time.

Check ALL that apply in each section. Thank you!


Baptism is not a sign of a decision we made for God, Baptism is a sign of a decision God has made for us.

In other words, Baptism is a God centered sacrament, not a man centered sacrament.

It is a celebration of what God has done for us.